Safebreaks Day services

Safebreaks Day Centre

Our Safebreaks Day Centre looks to provide a wide array of activities and experiences that meets individual personal needs, aims and outcomes. These activities are designed to enhance many aspects of daily living: lifeskills, community engagement, money management, nutrition, social skills, health and well-being & much much more.

Day Centre Facilities – Our Safebreaks Day Centre based on Salisbury Road comprises of multiple rooms offering different activities to accommodate the activities within the service we provide. We offer a sensory based room, a social room including arts and crafts, a games and ICT room with consoles and a kitchen with induction equipment and multiple cooking stations. Our Social Community Themed Room with a darts board, seating, music and a full size pool table is a  particular favourite!

Monday – At present, this day service is run on a 1-1 basis. The service is personalised to meeting the individual’s outcomes that are agreed and set between relevant professionals and the individual. This can range from sensory based engagement, physical activities such as Hydrotherapy at Seale Hayne, travel training, work experience access into the local town and utilising the club facilities.

Tuesday – Arts and Photography, service users to engage within a session to increase creative and fine motor skills. An opportunity to access local community facilities e.g. café, libraries and museums and building on key relationships. This afternoon activity includes the individuals collectively choosing a local facility to attend monthly to highlight and build relations within a ‘safe place’ in Newton Abbot for service users to feel familiar within a local setting.

Wednesday – The day service is a sensory based day to include monthly themed activities provided such as textured sensory activities, sensory based cooking, access to the onsite sensory room and sensory activities within nature including our allotment.

Thursday – Wider Community setting trips are Coordinated trips led by service users. Attending services that promote physical exercise, culture and history linking with the benefits of increasing social interaction networking to groups and clubs.

Please click here to see our list of Thursday activities

Friday – Health and Wellbeing: Physical activity Specific gym and fitness sessions, 1-1 Hydro Sessions at Seale Hayne Hydro is provided in the morning for specific individuals with a physical need. These sessions are based around providing mobility, individually assigned exercises by physiotherapists and social interaction with others using the facilities. A cooking session to focus on making simple healthy option meals which can be reviewed and repeated to increase independent skills with the occasional treat version!

Saturday – Social and Sensory Saturday Clubs – Providing all individuals with a weekend social setting to engage with peers and build on social skills.

Activities Our days are not limited to the above listings and we can offer flexible sessions alongside a variety of other options including woodwork, gardening, functional skills tuition, and sports activities such as tennis, boccia, fishing and team games.

Please contact Neil Leonard to find out more on what we can offer to support your needs. Email

Please note

Dear Service Users and Representatives,

We are writing to provide an update on our approach to COVID-19.

As a social care provider, there are no formal requirements for staff testing or mandatory sick leave relating to COVID-19.

With this, we feel obligated to inform you that some of our employees or attendees may be working or visiting with diagnosed or undiagnosed COVID-19.

To minimize the risk of others becoming unwell we are following the infection control measures set out within the Health and Social Care Act 2008.

However, we ask that if you are unwell you proceed with caution.

Thank you for your understanding.